5GCMEA 2024



  • 2024.08.01
    Thank you so much for your attendance at 5GCMEA 2024. We had 292 attendees from 18 countries. We have updated photos at 5GCMEA 2024 on the Gallery page.
  • 2024.08.01
    Submission to Collaborating Journals
    Those nominated papers to special issues in Frontiers in Chemistry, Catalysis Today, and Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy will be announced to authors from the Technical Program Committee.
    Frontiers in Chemistry
    Catalysis Today
    Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy
  • 2024.08.01
    Awards ; Congratulations to the award winners!
     5GCMEA Best Oral Presentation Award 

    OD103 Microwave Plasma Modelling for Heterogeneous Diamond Growth on III-Nitrides
    Jerome Alexander Cuenca, Soumen Mandal, Oliver Aneurin Williams
    Cardiff University, UK

    OC108 Hydrogen Reduction of Tungsten Oxide with Microwave Rapid Heating
    Ayana Ono, Alex Ichiro Fujiwara, Jiazhan Liu, Tatsuya Kon, Koichiro Ohno
    Kyushu University, Munakata High School, Japan

    OB105 Revealing the Quantitative Regulation Rules of Microwave Hotspots in Liquid-Solid Systems via Microscale Heat Transfer Model and In-situ Fluorescence Spectroscopy
    Kai Liu, Hong Li, Zhenyu Zhao, Xin Gao
    Tianjin University, China

    OA107 Mechanistic Insights into Microwave-Assisted Thermal Catalysis for Shale Gas Upgrade
    Yeonsu Kwak, Quentin Kim, C. Wang, Kewei Yu, Weiqing Zheng, Dionisios G. Vlachos
    University of Delaware, USA

     5GCMEA Best Poster Presentation Award 

    P08 Effects of Magnetic and Electric Fields on Heating Characteristics in Microwave Soldering
    Takashi Nakamura, Sei Uemura
    National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan

  • 2024.07.19
    Abstract Book is Available on the Program page from 11:00 am 19th July. Passwords are announced to participants via e-mail.
  • 2024.07.19
    The shuttle bus schedule to “Shiiki Hall” is on the Access page.
    Shuttle bus is only for morning time (8:30 am-10:00 am) and evening time. If you are not using shuttle bus, please use the public bus (Showa Bus).
    Take Showa bus #1, 2, 3 to “Kyudai Big Orange” or #4 to “Kyuadi Chuo Toshokan (Univ. Library).
  • 2024.07.19
    The latest version of “Important Information for participants” is on the Author Information page.
  • 2024.07.19
    The latest program with session chairs is on the Program page.
  • 2024.07.19
    On 22nd and 23rd July, the registration desk will open at 8:45 am.
  • 2024.07.09
    The program has been updated.
  • 2024.07.09
    Important Information for participants has been updated.
  • 2024.06.13
  • 2024.06.13
  • 2024.06.01
    We closed the abstract submission for the JEMEA session.
  • 2024.05.20
    IMPORTANT: The deadline for Early bird registration has been extended to 15 June. All accepted presenters must register by 15 June.
  • 2024.05.20
    IMPORTANT: The acceptance notification for the JEMEA session will be announced in early June.
  • 2024.05.20
    IMPORTANT: The Program of the general session will be announced in early June. The JEMEA session program will be announced around the middle of June. Those who wish to attend excursions, please check the program before you register.
  • 2024.05.20
    The workshops by Kyushu University and JSPS R024 Committee on 22nd July are open for Kyushu University and R024 Committee members.
  • 2024.03.24
    JEMEA session is open for abstract. This session accepts both Japanese and English presentations. Late submission abstracts are also acceptable.
  • 2024.03.24
    Registration has started.
  • 2024.3.24
    Acceptance notification has been sent to authors.
  • 2024.02.27
    Abstract submission for JEMEA session starts on 24th Mar. JEMEA session (Language; Both English and Japanese)
  • 2024.02.16
    Abstract submission for general session was closed.
  • 2024.02.02
    We have updated the Program and Accommodation information.
  • 2024.01.13
    Abstract submission was extended to Feb 15, 2024.
  • 2023.12.19
  • 2023.11.15
    Abstract submission has started.
    Deadline: 15th Jan, 2024
  • 2023.10.11
    Special issues in Frontiers in Chemistry and Catalysis Today will collaborate with 5GCMEA 2024.
  • 2023.10.11
    The abstract submission page will open on 23rd November.
  • 2023.05.18
    Website has been launched.