5GCMEA 2024



Abstract Book is Available Abstract Book was updated (22 August 2024).

5GCMEA 2024 will consist of a four-day onsite conference.

The program will run from 09:30 JST. Please refer to the Scientific Program.

The title of IS 7 was added
Development of Single Mode (TM010 standing wave) Microwave Reactor: Applications for Gas Phase Catalytic Reactions
Masateru Nishioka (Minamo Corporation)

Attention!! Presentation numbers have been changed for the following Oral Presentations

(Former version) OA304→ (Current version) OA207
Diamond Dielectric Measurements Using an X-band Split Dielectric Resonator
Jerome Alexander Cuenca, Soumen Mandal, Jaspa Stritt, Xiang Zheng, James PomeroyMartin Kuball, Adrian Porch, Oliver Aneurin Williams
Cardiff University University of Bristol

(Former version) OA305→ (Current version) OA304
Modeling and validation of the continuous flow microwave heating of orange juice
Dorin Boldor, Guilherme, Russo, Jorge Andrey Wilhelms, Gut
Louisiana State University, Universidade de Sao Paulo

(Former version) OA306→ (Current version) OA305
Quantitative Verification of Microwave Heating based on IR/FIR Spectrum Analysis
Shozo Yanagida, Takeko Matsumura, Hirokazu Iida
M3 Laboratory Inc,, Minerva Light Laboratory,Kanto-Gakuin Univ.

(Former version) OB305 → (Current version) OB304
Kinetic Evaluation of Microwave-Assisted Chemical Reaction
Shokichi Ohuchi, Ryunosuke Baba
Kyushu Institute of Technology

(Former version) OC111 → (Current version) OB106
Permittivity/Conductivity of NiO and Microwave Heating
Noboru Yoshikawa
Tohoku University

(Former version) OC112→ (Current version) OB107
Separated Microwave E/H- field Heating of Nano/Micro Metal Particles
Noboru Yoshikawa
Tohoku University"

(Former version) OC 310 → (Current version) OC211
Microwave-Assisted Carbonization of Wood Biomass
Yuta Nishina
Okayama University

(Former version) OD107→ (Current version) OD104
Investigation on Electrodeless Discharge during Microwave Assisted Pyrolysis Plastics induced by Iron-based Catalysts
Xin Gao, Xi Shen, Zhenyu Zhao
Tianjin University, National Engineering Research Center of Distillation Technology, Haihe Laboratory of Sustainable Chemical Transformations

(Former version) OD303→ (Current version) OD302
A Programmatic Research of Microwave In-Situ Thermal Recovery of Heavy Oil
Tao Liu
China University of Petroleum, Beijing

(Former version) OD304→(Current version) OD303
Development of an effluent free microwave assisted rotary drying cum peeling method for whole garlic bulbs
Sudarshanna Kar, Parag Prakash Sutar

Abstract Book

Abstract Book is Available from 9:00 am 19th July.
Passwords are announced to participants via e-mail.

Abstract Book is Available

Keynote Speakers

Chemical Process Intensification via Microwave-Driven Dynamic and Cyclic Thermal Operation

Prof. Georgios Stefanidis
Director of the Department of Process Analysis and Plant Design, School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens

Prof. Georgios Stefanidis holds an MSc degree in Chemical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (Greece) and a PhD degree in the same field from Ghent University (Belgium). He has co-authored over 100 peer-review papers (Scopus ; Google Scholar) in the broad field of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Process Intensification, mostly focusing on alternative energy forms and transfer mechanisms (microwaves, plasma, light and ultrasound), and the first book on the “Fundamentals of Process Intensification” (Wiley VCH, 2019). His research activity includes modeling, design and development of intensified reactors and reactive separation processes for a broad range of applications including, among others, biomass gasification, reforming of hydrocarbons and oxygenated fuels, CO2 utilization, polymerization and reactive crystallization. He is currently Executive Editor of the Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification Journal (Elsevier), Co-Editor of the RSC books “Alternative Energy Sources for Green Chemistry” (2016) and “Chemical Valorization of Carbon Dioxide” (2022), Chairman of the EFCE Working Party on Process Intensification and serves on the Scientific Committee of the Association for Microwave Power in Europe for Research and Education (AMPERE).

IMPI ? Past, Present and Future Influence on the Advancement of Microwave and RF Power Applications

Mr. John F Gerling
Gerling Consulting, Inc.

Mr. John F Gerling has over 40 years background in engineering, design and manufacturing of microwave equipment for consumer, commercial, industrial and scientific applications. His experience includes executive positions with leading equipment manufacturers including MKS/ASTeX and Muegge-Gerling. Mr Gerling has been a member of IMPI since 1984 and has held positions on its Board of Governors since 1992, most recently as President since 2021. He received the Ricky Metaxas Pioneer Award during 3GCMEA in 2016 at Cartagena, Spain, and was inducted as a Fellow of IMPI in 2022.

Strengthening mechanism of microwave-matter interaction?the application of microwave technology in petroleum and environmental fields

Prof. Hui Shang
China University of Petroleum (Beijing), China

Dr. Hui Shang received her PhD degree in 2006 in the major of Chemical Engineering from the University of Nottingham, UK, under the supervision of Prof. Sam Kingman. After that she has worked in this university as a Post Doctor. She joined China University of Petroleum (Beijing) (CUPB) in 2008. Currently, she is a full professor in School of Chemical Engineering and Environment at CUPB. 

Dr. Shang has published over 100 academic papers in journals such as Journal of Catalysis, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Fuel, Chemical Engineering Science, and Fuel Processing Technology et al. She is a reviewer for many well-known journals. Her research interests include microwave enhanced organic reactions and process, clean oil processing, catalysts synthesis, waste plastics unitization as well as hydrogen storage materials.

Induction Heating and Maxwell's Equations

Dr. Jun-ichi Sugiyama
Senior Researcher, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) .

Dr. Sugiyama has a background in organic synthesis and polymer chemistry and has experience in academic fields such as dielectric measurements for microwave heating, equipment design, electromagnetic field simulation, reactor development, technological development of microwave heating operation, investigation of basic electromagnetics theory, and educational dissemination. His professional activities include:
Dielectric constant mapping of liquid mixtures, temperature representation by molecular dynamics, development of a flow-type microwave chemical synthesizer, continuous synthesis of high-strength carbon fiber, creation of a 1kW high-power circularly polarized wave irradiation system, and theoretical considerations on non-thermal effects. These studies have resulted in several publications and reviews. He received the JEMEA Research Encouragement Award 2021 for “Examination of carbon fiber production by microwave heating and composite material”, and the JEMEA academic award 2023 for “Practice of Microwave Chemistry Based on Integration with Electromagnetics”.

Current Status and Future of Sustainable Microwave Heating Technologies in India

Dr. Parag Prakash Sutar
Associate Professor and Head Department of Food Process Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India

Dr. Parag Prakash Sutar holds a PhD in Food Engineering from IIT Kharagpur (2008) and an M.Tech from G.B. Pant University (2003). He conducted research at McGill University and post-doctoral work at ICT, Mumbai. His expertise focuses on microwave and infrared-assisted food processing, including drying, peeling, and sterilization. Dr. Sutar has led projects on developing adsorbents, effluent-free food processing using different radiations, and designing industrial dryers and sterilizers. He has published 80+ articles in journals. Dr. Sutar guides doctoral and postgraduate students and has organized international workshops and conferences, such as the Asia Pacific Drying Conference in 2019 and 2023. He received recognition for promoting Drying Research and Development in Asia in those years. He played a key role in establishing an Association of Industrial Microwave Heating and High-Frequency Applications in India.

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Invited Speakers

Efficient and Stable Activation by Microwave Annealing of Nanosheet Silicon Doped with Phosphorus above its Solubility Limit

Dr. Chun Hsiung Tsai
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company

Dr. Chun-Hsiung Tsai is a semiconductor professional and holds a PhD in Applied Mechanics from National Taiwan University. Since joining Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) in 2007, he has emerged as a prolific figure in the field of advanced CMOS transistor performance enhancement. Driven by a primary focus on dopant engineering, his expertise spans various techniques including ion implantation, in-situ doped epitaxial Si, flash annealing, laser annealing, and microwave annealing. With a remarkable track record, Dr. Tsai has contributed significantly to the technological landscape, authoring over 150 US patents. Currently serving as the Technical Manager of the Advanced Technology Program at TSMC, he continues to lead and innovate in the ever-evolving field of semiconductor technology.

Solid State RF Energy Solutions are Shaping the Future

Mr. Mark Murphy
Global Market Manager Industrial High Power Energy, Mini-Circuits

Mark is an Electrical Design Engineer by education and practice, with experience in Analog and RF technologies. He has held various management positions in Engineering, R&D, Product Line Management and then Marketing at a number of large public companies, such as Analog Devices, Philips, NXP, Dialog Semiconductors & MACOM. During his time at Philips/NXP Mark lead the introduction to the market of RF Power transistors that were dedicated to RF Energy solid state solutions. Prior to joining Mini-Circuits, Mark was the head of Marketing & Business Development for MACOM’s high power GaN-on-Silicon RF business. At Mini-Circuits Mark has lead the company’s expansion effort in high power >20W amplifiers and he is currently the Global Market Manager for the RF Energy business

Application of Microwave Energy in the Production of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) through Microwave Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition and CNT Modification as Bifunctional Catalyst.

Professor of Chemical Engineering and Research Fellow
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
Fellow, Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers

Dr. Joseph Auresenia is a Full Professor, former Chairman of Chemical Engineering and Research Fellow of De La Salle University, He finished his Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering-Magna Cum Laude, from University of San Carlos. He obtained his master’s degree in applied science in Chemical Engineering from the University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia and Doctor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. He had post-doctoral research fellowship in Biochemical Engineering at Lund University, Lund Sweden.
He received various awards such as; Outstanding Young Scientist (OYS) Award and Julian A. Banzon Medal for Outstanding Applied Research by National Academy of Science and Technology and Department of Science and Technology (DOST), the Outstanding Chemical Engineer Award (OCHEA) and Fellow by Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers (PIChE). He was the Philippine Government’s nominee to 2020 ASEAN Awards. He had international recognition as Vice President of Asian Federation on Biotechnology (AFOB). He was given international award by KSBB (Korean Society for Biotechnology Bioengineering) for International Research Exchange Award in 2022 and listed as one of the Top 100 Asian Scientist 2023 ? The Asian Scientist 100-Asian Scientist Magazine. 

Microwave-initiated Heterogeneous Catalysis for Plastic Waste Upcycling

Dr. Xiangyu Michael Jie
Senior Lecturer in Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
School of Physical and Chemical Sciences (SPCS)
Queen Mary University of London

Dr Michael Jie is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London. Before joining QMUL, he took up a Junior Research Fellow at Merton College, Oxford, focusing on the development of microwave-initiated heterogeneous catalysis. His work has resulted in low carbon emission catalytic processes impacting the decarbonisation of fossil fuels. More recently, He expanded his research to include waste plastics upcycling using microwave catalysis. So far, he has published in international journals such as Angewandte Chemie, Energy and Environmental Science, and Nature Catalysis. His research efforts have also led to the global patenting of several innovative technologies through the PCT, gaining recognition from the wider chemical and science community, including C&E News, Chemistry World, and The Times. His work has also been acknowledged in prestigious forums such as the Royal Society of Chemistry's "10 Emerging Technologies of the Year” for 2019 and 2021, and he received a "Highly Commended" distinction in the Vice-Chancellor's Innovation Award 2020. He has collectively received over £1.3 million in funding as PI and Co-I.

Sensing applications using microwaves for industrial purposes

Dr. Seitaro Kon
Group Leader
Electromagnetic Measurement Group
Research Institute for Physical Measurement
National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ)
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) 

Dr. Seitaro Kon joined the National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, in 2007, as a research scientist. He has been involved in highly precise current, impedance, and power measurements, as well as in the development of sensing applications using RF, microwaves, and millimeter waves. His research interests include material characterization using electromagnetic phenomena and its sensing applications for industrial purposes, such as nondestructive measurement of water content in agricultural products, nondestructive detection of foreign objects in industrial products, and data analysis for sensing applications using artificial intelligence and quantum computing. He is currently the Co-editor-in-Chief of the Editorial Board of the Fundamentals and Materials Society at the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.

Study of Magnetron and Solid-State High-Power Amplifiers for Microwave Heating Applications

Dr. Hifumi Noto
Head Researcher
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Information Technology R&D Center

Mr. Hifumi Noto has been engaged in the research, development, and practical application of microwave and RF circuits for phased array antennas and transceivers for communication and radar systems, since joining Mitsubishi electric corporation, Japan in 2003. Specifically, he has played a pivotal role in the development of high-power amplifiers using GaAs and GaN, digital predistortion, feed-forward amplifiers, and other distortion compensation technologies, as well as transceiver components for microwave communication systems. Many of the microwave equipment and systems he has developed are still in use in numerous countries.
 Currently, he is a member of the Microwave Carbon Neutral and Circular Economy project at Mitsubishi Electric's Information Technology R&D center, where he is developing high-power GaN device-based microwave sources and phase-controlled beamforming technology for microwave heating, aiming for practical application.

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JSPS R024 Committee on Electromagnetic-Wave-Excited Reaction Field Workshop

Vibrating-Electromagnetic-Field-based Technology as a Strategy Dealing with Carbon Neutral Issues

Dr. Yuji Wada
Chair of the General Incorporated Association, Professor Emeritus of Tokyo Institute of Technology, Chair of R024-Electromagnetic-field-Excited-Reaction -Field Committee, University-Industry Cooperation societally Applied Scientific Linkage and Collaboration, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

Dr. degree of engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) (1982); the post-doc works, Fritz-Haber-Institute of Max-Planck-Society (1982-1984) and Southern Illinoi University at Carbondale (1984-1985); an associate professor, Tokyo Tech (1985-1991); a lecturer and an associate professor, Osaka University (1991-2005); professor, Okayama University (2006); a full professor, Tokyo Tech (2007-2020). Published more than 300 papers; Research interests: photochemistry of nano-hybrid systems, creation of nano-hybrid systems aiming at new functions, microwave-driven chemistry and its application to industrial processes, environmental chemistry driven by photochemistry and microwave chemistry.
After he retired Tokyo Tech, he joined Microwave Chemical., Co., Ltd. as a chair of basic research division in 2020-2023. He also acts as the chair of R024-Electromagnetic-field-Excited-Reaction-Field Committee, University-Industry Cooperation Societally Applied Scientific Linkage and Collaboration, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
His “General Incorporated Association ZeroC” was launched in order to more accelerate the countermeasures for the carbon neutral issues as the social activities with the administration, the local governments, the companies, and the civic activities in October, 2023.

Microwave Processing as a New Trend in Materials Science

H. Takizawa
Executive Vice President, Director of the Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, Tohoku University

Hirotsugu Takizawa is Executive Vice President for Education and Student Support, and also Director of the Institute for Excellence in Higher Education of Tohoku University.
He received his Ph.D. in Engineering from Tohoku University in 1990. He joined the School of Engineering, Tohoku University as Research Associate and engaged in the research on high- pressure synthesis and crystal chemistry of inorganic compounds. After the experience as overseas researcher at the University of Texas at Austin, he was promoted to Associate Professor in 1995 and Professor in 2004 at Tohoku University. He was prized CerSJ (The Ceramic Society of Japan) Awards for academic achievements in ceramic science and technology in 2011.
He is currently working on the microwave processing of the advanced inorganic materials at the Department of Applied Chemistry, Tohoku University.

Applications of Microwave on Metal Smelting and Mining Sector

Mr. Kazuya Kono
Microwave Chemical Co., Ltd.

Kazuya Kono serves as the Business Development Manager at Microwave Chemical Co., Ltd, leading the charge in exploring and implementing microwave technology for industrial applications. After earning his law degree from Kyoto University, he started his career at Marubeni Corporation, where he focused on project development, mergers and acquisitions, and project financing of power projects, including gas-fired and geothermal power plants. At Microwave Chemical, he's now committed to developing sustainable industrial processes and businesses using microwave technology.

The development of efficient electrified heating processes: a case study in using microwaves in low carbon steel production

Dr Rob Bell
C-Tech Innovation Ltd

Dr Rob Bell has been Technical Director at C-Tech Innovation ltd since 2015 leading a multi-disciplinary team of scientists, engineers, and designers to develop and implement technology at scale. C-Tech Innovation ltd is a UK based company that design and build Electro-Heating and Electrochemical Equipment for a global client list, focusing on new processes that reduce costs, improve quality, and increase productivity. Rob is a materials scientist with a broad background in the development and implementation of novel processes with a focus on systems combining microwave/ radio frequency technologies with conventional heating. He leads the technical development of electrified manufacturing processes for industry, specialising in development of continuous electrified processes, and has a range of patents in areas covering, nuclear decontamination, microwave applicator design, reactor design, control, and plasma systems. In 2020 Rob was awarded a 4-year industrial Future Leaders Fellowship by UKRI focussed on industrial decarbonisation, focussing on the interaction of electric fields with materials and the impact on chemical reactions.

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Kyushu Univ. Q-pit module “Study on advanced microwave technology for utilization of carbon resources” Workshop

Microwave-assisted catalytic processes for environmental protection

Prof. Hisahiro Einaga
Department of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University

Dr. Hisahiro Einaga graduated from the Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo in 1997, and received his Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Makoto Misono. After working as a postdoctoral researcher at Hokkaido University, he worked at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (formerly National Institute for Resources and Environment (NIRE)) from 1998 to 2006. He moved to Kyushu University as an associate professor in 2006, and has been a professor in the Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University since 2016. Dr. Einaga devoted to the works on catalysis science and environmental technology. His current interest is on microwave-assisted catalytic process using mixed metal oxides for environmental protection and energy conversion.

Challenging way of Next-Generation Ironmaking with Microwave Heating Technology

Prof. Ko-ichiro Ohno
Dept. of Materials, Graduate School of Eng., Kyushu University

Prof. Ko-ichiro OHNO worked at Kyushu University as an Assistant Professor from 2006 to 2012. At the same time, stayed at RWTH Aachen University as a Postdoctoral Researcher from 2010 to 2011. He worked at the Kyushu university as an Associate Professor from 2012 to 2021. He works at the Kyushu university as a professor from 2021 to present. He earned a Master of Engineering in 2003 and a Doctor of Engineering in 2006 at department of Metallurgy in Tohoku University. He is metallurgist specializing in kinetics, transport phenomena, and thermodynamics with a focus on ironmaking processes. He dedicated to reducing CO2 emissions through innovative technologies, leveraging in-situ observation techniques for detailed kinetics analysis and thermodynamic studies. He passionate about advancing sustainable practices in the metallurgical industry through research and education.

Effects of Microwave on Direct Decomposition of NO on Metal Oxide

Prof. Tatsumi Ishihara
International Institute for Carbon Energy Research, Kyushu University

Prof. Tatsumi Ishihara graduate Kyushu University at 1986 and join Kyushu University as a Research Associate. At 1989, he moved to Faculty of Engineering, Oita University and promoted to Lecture at 1991. After He gained his PhD from the Kyushu University at 1992, he became Associate Professor at 1993. At 2003, he promoted to Professor in Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University. At 2013, he became Associate Director of International Institute for Carbon Neutral Energy Research (WPI=I2CNER) and at 2023, he became director of I2CNER. His main interest in research is Inorganic Materials Sciences, in particular, Material Development concerning with solid state ionics materials and environmental catalyst. He received several awards from society and also publishers as follows. At 1995, Young Researcher Award from Japan Chemical Society, at 2006, Award from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, at 2022, Award from Catalyst Society of Japan (Academic area).

Microwave Synthesis of Inorganic Materials; Insight and Advances

Prof. Duncan Gregory
WestCHEM Chair of Inorganic Materials, University of Glasgow
Visiting Professor at Kyushu University

Prof. Gregory is the WestCHEM Chair of Inorganic Materials, School of Chemistry, University of Glasgow, where he was also formerly Head of Inorganic Chemistry (2008-2014). He is currently a Visiting Professor at Kyushu University and was Vice President of the RSC Materials Chemistry Division Council (2009-2014). He was the recipient of the RSC Sustainable Energy Award in 2009 and the IOM3 Kroll Medal and Award in 2019. Prof. Gregory is the founding Editor in Chief of Inorganics, an associate editor of Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy and sits on the editorial boards of Crystals, Materials and E-Science.
His research interests focus on the sustainable production of materials including the microwave synthesis and processing of solids. His research also embraces discovery of new solids including sustainable energy materials (e.g. metal-ion batteries, fuel storage, thermoelectrics), inorganic nanomaterials and the solid state chemistry of non-oxides.
He has authored over 200 peer reviewed publications and supervised 42 postgraduate students to graduation to-date. 

Thermal Plasma Processing for Material Synthesis and Environmental Applications

Assoc. Prof. Manabu Tanaka
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University

Dr. Manabu Tanaka holds a PhD degree in the Energy Sciences from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, in 2010, under the supervision of Prof. Takayuki Watanabe. Since 2013, he has been an Assistant Professor while he has been an Associate Professor in 2021 at Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan. He is currently Editor of Plasma and Fusion Research (PFR), Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research, and Magazine of Chemical Engineering. He is committee of general affairs of Kyushu Branch, The Society of Chemical Engineering, Japan, and committee member of Plasma Electronics Division, The Japan Society of Applied Physics. His research activity includes thermal plasma generation, diagnostics, and applications. He received 9 awards as represented by SPP young researcher award for his pioneering contributions to generation and fundamental studies of thermal plasma visualization.

We will update Speakers’ Information from time to time.

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